It was the first out-door ice-cream of the year, so it was a big deal for the kids. They savoured every bite.
After having finished the ice-creams we went and looked at some animals on the farm.
Egon kept calling everything "doggy" or "vovve" in Swedish. This little "doggy" was a hen...
This poor rabbit was fed by my charitable children. The sign that said: "Do not feed the animals" did not receive very much attention, I'm afraid. I think it was ok though. It didn't really eat much. Dry sticks didn't seem to be its' favourite dish.
I like this picture of Lovisa. She looks so determined and confident - Lovisa in a nutshell!Before we headed home, the older kids just had to climb the big "mountain". Here they are, all three of them, after reaching the summit..!
In the meantime, Egon sat in his stroller. Not too excited about it. I guess he wanted to climb the mountain too. Here's my mom and Folke. We really had a great day!