I really have some catching up to do, but I thought it would be nice to post some pictures of the kids' last day of school...
First off, we have Lovisa. Her playschool had an outdoor worknight/show. All of the parents helped out around the front yard, painting, planting, cleaning, and building new toys. Of course, we had our hands full just chasing after our kids. Oh, well... At least we were there!

But the food was good... This was probably the only time they were all gathered in one place.

When the work was done, the kids sang some summer songs for us. Lovisa did really well. I can't believe what a big girl she has become.
For the boys last day of school, their class, The Hedgehogs, put on a show for us. I was amazed at how much the boys sang. They have a tendency of getting distracted when they are supposed to sing in front of a large group of people...

These are The Hedgehogs, a class of 24 6-year-olds. This fall they will split up into three classes of 1st-2nd and 3rd graders. Alvin and Ivar will be going to different classes. Alvin will belong to The Squirrels and Ivar to The Mooses... I hope we are making the right decision. It has been a difficult one to make. I think it will be a good thing for them to go to different classes. Finally, their teachers will get their names right the first time. And the boys will be able to stand on their own two feet and have friends of their own. They are so different and they are good at different things. This way they won't be able to compare themselves to each other all the time. And if it doesn't work out, the teachers have assured me that they will move them back together.

I thought it was so cute, the way Lovisa took care of her little brother during the performance. It actually made Egon sit still for four or five minutes before he ran off again. He is such a restless child...

Our two big boys with some of the things they have been working on this past year. They deserve their summer holidays!