söndag 1 november 2009

Happy Halloween?

Halloween is a fairly new tradition in Sweden, and one that I'm not extremely fond of. There's nothing cute about the Swedish version of Halloween. Not all kids go out trick-or-treating but those who do are almost all dressed up in scary costumes. The whole idea with Halloween is to be scary. Last year we kept our celebration to a family Halloween dinner, and that was our plan this year as well. But then Lovisa got it in her head that she was going trick-or-treating. She got out a paperbag and put on a princess dress. The dress was cute in and of itself, because, as you probably understand a princess is a rare sight when Swedes celebrate Halloween... Well, I guess I don't have to tell you that the dress made me give in to her and then, of course, Alvin and Ivar also wanted to go. The boys put on their skeleton costumes, the same ones they wore for our Halloween dinner last year... But they didn't want to go out without masks, and since we didn't have any I decided to paint their faces... When at last the three older kids were ready to go, Egon decided he was going with them. So we got out a wig and a bathrobe and made him into a little...man, very similar to the Easter-look previously posted... Keep in mind: it took about 15 minutes from the decision was made until the kids and I were ready to go. With a little more planning, we will probably do a lot better next year because I guess Halloween is here to stay.

When we got back, Jens had made dinner: The Italian dish "Uovi al purgatorio"- "Eggs in Purgatory". We thought that would go along well with the general ambience of Swedish Halloween... What it is is eggs in a meet sauce that you eat with thick slices of bread. It sounds weird, but it's really tasty.

So, Happy... or should I say Scary Halloween!

The newest addition to the Rydgren family

In September Jens and I came accross an add on the internet with a picture of these two baby rabbits. The owners were giving them away for free, and even though we had decided to wait a little with getting the kids a pet, we simply couldn't resist them. We let Alvin and Ivar name the black boy-rabbit, and Lovisa got to name the beige girl.

The boys picked the same name they always do, for teddy bears and when they play house: "Teo".

Lovisa named the girl "Emilia". We tried to get her to pick a different name because she kept forgetting what she had named her. But she insisted. So Teo and Emilia it is.

And this is how happy Egon is about his new buddies!