Being a twin must be such a blessing. To always have your best buddy right there, by your side. To have someone who's closer to you than anyone else. Including your mom...
At the same time it seems like it is also very difficult. Alvin's and Ivar's relationship is very up and down. One minute they are hugging and holding hands, and the next they are crying and screaming and strangling each other. I guess that is a part of finding their own identity and claiming their territory.
For the most part though, they are best friends. I remember once when they were only a year old and I was pushing them in the stroller. It was freezing outside and we were on our way home when I realized that Ivar had lost one of his mittens. Alvin looked at his brother, and then he took off one of his mittens and gave it to him.
Another time, more recently, the boys were fighting. Alvin was hurting Ivar really bad, and I got mad at him. After a little while, Ivar came up to me, all teary eyed, and said: "I wish Alvin would stop hurting me." I said that I did too, thinking that he meant that he was tired of getting beaten up. But then he said. "Because when he does, you get so mad at him." Even when his brother hurt him, he felt bad for him when I got mad.
I remember one more occasion when the loyalty between the boys became very apparent. We had been having dinner, and all of the kids were going to have ice cream sticks for dessert. Alvin started misbehaving and after a few warnings, he had to leave the table without ice cream. Even though he could understand why his brother couldn't have an ice cream stick, Ivar couldn't eat his. That's how loyal they are towards one another.
Being the mom of twins is an adventure. It really is double the fun. But also double the frustration.
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