lördag 18 oktober 2008

Going to the movies

Wednesday I took Alvin and Ivar to to see Wall-E. They had been looking forward to it for weeks and they were not disapointed. We bought a huge bowl of popcorn and some fizzy drinks - I think that was half the pleasure for the boys! Wall-E was a really cute movie! It's incredible how cute and almost human you can actually make a rusty robot! It was really thought provoking for me as an adult as well. I recommend it to those who haven't seen it yet.

The next day it was Lovisa's turn. Jens had promised to take her to see "Mamma Mu och Kråkan" or "Mamma Moo and the Crow" as they are called in English translation... They are a famous duo from the world of Swedish children's literature. It was Lovisas first time at the movies, and of course she was very excited about it!

2 kommentarer:

christa sa...

What a fun idea. I totally want to do that with my kids!

Vickan sa...

She looks excited, what a cute photo!