tisdag 2 juni 2009


The other day, I came across this short clip of a talk by Elder Henry B. Eyring, one of the apostles of our church. It really touched me. If I look carefully at my life, I don't think one single day has gone by where I can't see the hand of God reaching out to me or to one of my loved ones. Not just in the big things in life, but in the little things as well. Often I can see the hand of God reaching out through a friend or family member. Someone who knows me and my needs or simply feels inspired to reach out a helping hand. I have learnt that when I stop and think about ways in which I have seen God's hand in my life, I am able to more fully appreciate His presence and His love for me. If there is one thing I want my children to learn, it is this.

2 kommentarer:

christa sa...

You were one of those hands for me not too long ago!! I still think about the fact that you were there to talk to and listened so well when I needed someone (even after so many years and the distance!) so thanks for that, and thanks for this reminder! That was beautiful!

Angie Birkeland sa...

Thanks Toini for your advice. You were my hand today. Tears came to my eyes when you told me to just believe in myself. I feel like such a grumpy mean mom at the moment. I feel so guilty that I have not been patient and kind to Emmi. Thanks for your post too!