söndag 1 november 2009

The newest addition to the Rydgren family

In September Jens and I came accross an add on the internet with a picture of these two baby rabbits. The owners were giving them away for free, and even though we had decided to wait a little with getting the kids a pet, we simply couldn't resist them. We let Alvin and Ivar name the black boy-rabbit, and Lovisa got to name the beige girl.

The boys picked the same name they always do, for teddy bears and when they play house: "Teo".

Lovisa named the girl "Emilia". We tried to get her to pick a different name because she kept forgetting what she had named her. But she insisted. So Teo and Emilia it is.

And this is how happy Egon is about his new buddies!

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